Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A View from within...

Ok so these first few posts, will be introducing you the reader to me the lonely soul who needs to spill his guts on the internet...

I don't have many people I consider friend, if I call you "Friend" I am fiercly loyal, and I don't really expect the same, I don't hold people to the same high standard that I hold myself. With that being said though I do hold you to some type of standard and that is I need you to be brutally honest with me.  Because lets be honest I FUCK UP A LOT, but I need people in my life who are brave enough to tell me I'm fucking up.

Of my few friends there are even less I confide in, I realize many of you have conflicting views on me and I have done all that I can to foster these views. I hide my true self from many people, I need to protect me from the world lest I become damged and thus no longer any good. (yup I think Highly of myself).  Recently I've tried letting some people in, Ive told them things it took my closest friends years to find out, Ive given them glimpses into how I operate and how have I been repaid? Fucked Over... I realize that for most its not a big deal to let people know your true thoughts and feelings on things, but for me it's an incredibly big deal. If I share with you my thoughts or feelings its a sign of trust, because I know my thoughts and feelings are not necessarily those of the majority and in the end they are what make me, me so know that when I tell you my hopes, fears, dreams, true feelings that I am giving you all that is most important to me...

ok thats deep enough for right now...


My First Post....

So I have decided to give in and start blogging... So lets start with a little about me.
The short version, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK... I'll say what I want, when I want, however I want, to whomever I want.  This blog will be a reflection of that. There are NO RULES HERE, if I feel it needs to be said I will say it and if you feel something needs to be said then by all means SAY THAT SHIT!!!  Check your feelings at the door and settle in for some good ol' fashioned fun.....